Get on the Ball!


A stability ball is a great tool for developing core strength, balance and flexibility. Flatten abs, tighten glutes, tone & sculpt arms and legs, improve posture on the soft pliable surface of a stability ball. Learn to train on a stability ball at Stonehouse Fitness.

For use at home, purchase a stability ball of “anti-burst” quality and select the size that is right for your height*. Choosing a color that blends with your room design will make it visually pleasing in your space. You’ll find a variety of sizes and colors on-line. Follow the guidelines on the packaging.

Sit slightly forward on the ball with knees wide and feet wide to form a sort of tripod for balance.

*When sitting on the ball with feet flat on the floor, knees and hips should be at the same height. Those under 5 feet tall should use balls that are 45 cm, 5 feet to 5 feet 6 inches should use 55 cm balls and those 5 feet 7 inches and taller should use 65 cm balls.

Consult with your physician before performing this or any other exercise you are not used to.

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